Friday, September 10, 2010

I don't like how my head plays tricks on me...

So even though my doctor said he could tell by my bbt chart that I didn't ovulate last month, I still got myself excited. Smells got to me, I felt nauseous, had to pee a lot and I made it to day 36 of my cycle. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I get so excited every month, only to be let down when AF shows up? I have discovered that I'm not the only one who does that though. My best friend "C" and her husband "K" are actually trying to conceive too. And last month she had many pregnancy symptoms, but no baby... I pray that they don't have to go through what we've went through.

Anyway, I am soooo glad it's Friday. We're supposed to go out of town tomorrow with my husband's parents. It'll be nice to get my mind off things for awhile. Sunday, I'll be taking my niece and nephew's school pictures since photography is something I do on the side. Looking forward to that also.

Been reading a lot of infertility blogs lately and it's nice to know that we're not alone in our struggle. Although if it were up to me, everyone going through this would finally get their little miracle. One way or another. I also finished a really cute blue baby blanket last week that I had started crocheting over a year ago. I had forgotten all about it. And since I have a blue one, I figured I'd better make a pink one too, just in case lol. I tried to post pictures but since I have no clue what I'm doing, I was unsuccessful...

Scratch that, I figured it out. Well, I better get back to work. Oh, and I promise I'll get better at this whole "blogging" thing. Just give me time : ) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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