Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gettin' Close

So it's getting close to time to do the baby dance again. I sure hope this is it. So glad to be off the clomid; that was one rough week lol. Now I'm just on the metformin for my pcos. I'm thinkin' about starting a diet again. Not sure why, it never seems to get me anywhere but I know it's because I don't try hard enough...

Oh, and I'm very happy to have 3 followers! I know that's a pretty low #, but I really didn't expect to have anybody follow me. So I'm happy : ) So thanks you 3!

Today is cycle day 11, and I usually ovulate on day 15. This past weekend I had some really sharp pains in my lower right side. Just like the pains I had with the ectopic in May. It scared me pretty bad but I had done some things that I don't normally do Saturday morning so I'm thinking it was just some muscles that haven't been used since my surgery. I'm pretty sure that's what it was because I haven't had any pain since Saturday night. Not sure what I'd do if I had another ectopic pregnancy. I seriously don't think I could handle it again. The pain and recovery were terrible, but the emotional aspect of it was much worse. I still cry every once in awhile when I think about it. I would have been 25 weeks along on Thursday : (

Anyway, I try not to think about it too much. It doesn't really do me any good to wonder "why me"... I know it's going to happen for us, we just have to be patient and let it happen in God's time.

Oh, I almost forgot! We changed the spare bedroom over to a nursery this weekend! It looks so good. I keep going in there, wondering what it will be like to rock our baby to sleep in there... I can' t wait. I'll post pics once we get the walls painted.

Hope everybody is having a great week so far!

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