Friday, October 22, 2010

Last one for awhile...

Short post...

I started my last round of clomid today. Well, my last round for awhile. I'm excited. I really am. And not just because I think it's going to work this time. But also because if it doesn't, I am looking forward to taking a break for a few months (shooting for 6 months but we'll see how that goes). My doctor bumped me up to 150mg since I didn't ovulate the last 2 cycles. 150mg is what I got pregnant on the last time. Could we be so lucky??

Now, speaking of clomid, I am NOT looking forward to the next 5 days. I have warned my husband (once again), so at least this time he's prepared.

I have also been doing really good on my diet. Only lost 2 lbs, but for 4 days, that's pretty good I think. No soda or fast food and I've also been walking at least a mile after work every day. It wears me out but hopefully before long, I'll be used to it and can gradually increase the distance.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am right here with you. I understand the need to get rid of the Clomid. I did 2 cycles of it before my doctor switched me to Femera. I am having IUI on Monday. I am happy to run across your blog.

    Baby dust this cycle
