Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Been waaaay too long...

To everyone that follows my blog, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. My last round of clomid didn't work. I didn't even ovulate. Which means that I haven't ovulated once since I had my surgery. That really scares me...

I have been enjoying the time away from it all though, and I think this break is really going to help me. But with that said, I have a friend who just had her sweet baby boy on Thursday. What really makes me sad is that I was only 3 weeks behind her in my pregnancy. If I would have carried our baby to full term, he/she would be getting ready to make an appearance also... So I've been pretty sad lately. I sometimes wish I could completely block the month of May, 2010 from my mind. How could the best day of my life, and the worst day of my life, both happen within a 2 week period??

Anyway, I'm trying not to think about it, but as you all know, that's just not possible.

1 comment:

  1. Brandi, just found you following on Roccie Road. I am sorry for your loss with the the tubal and with your heart being broken, and with your not ovulating. I am glad you are following in IF land because there are plenty that have also known heartbreak and have found hope and healing, and some are well on their way or have had their take home baby. I am going to pray for you and your husband.
