Thursday, June 23, 2011


Here is how I would love to respond to some people when they ask how we can keep trying, over and over...


How do you muster the will to “try again”?
How do you endure months of injections, fertility med, charting and ovulation tests?
How do you find the desire to be intimate when everything is “timed”?
How do you make it through two weeks of waiting, agonizing over what might be?
How does your mind make you actually believe that you feel pregnant?
How are you strong enough to not fall apart when you see that negative result?
How do you tell people, “Nope, not this month” without breaking down?
How does the heart manage to heal, time and time again?
How can you mourn the loss of something you never had?


The possibility…

Of one day seeing a positive result.
Of seeing a tiny circle on the ultrasound and a smile on the doctor’s face.
Of feeling a kick inside your stomach. The feeling that everyone describes as “amazing”.
Of learning the sex and being able to buy blue or pink.
Of going through labor, pain and all, to have that baby laid on your chest and see him/her take their first breath.
Of taking YOUR baby to YOUR home, where they will receive your unconditional love and count on you to make it in life.
Of seeing that first smile, first giggle first word and all of their small but joyous achievements.
Of realizing that it was ALL worth the wait….